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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR-therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma and other mental health issues.

Whether a single incident or a series of episodes over the course of a lifetime, EMDR therapy can help resolve symptoms from trauma, often in a shorter amount of sessions when compared to traditional talk-based therapy. 

What makes EMDR so groundbreaking is it utilizes the mind's own capacity for self-healing by tapping into the same processes associated with REM-sleep, thereby allowing you to quickly reprocess and reformulate your relationship with the traumatic episode.

EMDR has also been seen to be promising for the treatment of phobias, somatic disorders, anxiety and panic, and addiction.

To learn more about EMDR, visit: https://emdria.site-ym.com/

Patrick M. DeCarlo provides brief trauma therapy in Florida online, allowing clients to better cope with troubling thoughts and feelings.

The Benefits of Working with a Trauma-Informed Therapist

Understanding Trauma

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) are trained to work with individuals who have experienced or are struggling with trauma. They are skilled in understanding the impact of trauma on individuals and families, and can provide guidance and support during the healing process. With the help of an LMFT, individuals can gain insight into their trauma and begin to heal.

Trauma-Informed Care

At my practice, I provide professional trauma therapy for those who need help overcoming traumatic experiences. I use evidence-based strategies to help individuals manage and cope with their trauma. I will work with you to create a tailored treatment plan that will help you heal and move forward.

Long-Term Solutions

At my practice, I don’t just focus on short-term solutions to trauma, but instead work with my clients to create long-term solutions. My goal is to help you find healthier coping strategies so that you can fully process and overcome your trauma. I will work with you to develop a sustainable plan that will help you in the long-term.

The way out is through. Patrick M. DeCarlo provides a safe space for clients to feel difficult emotions.

Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder with a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that can affect an individual’s ability to regulate their emotions, relationships, and behavior. Symptoms of BPD may include fear of abandonment, impulsivity, difficulty controlling emotions, unstable relationships, and frequent mood swings. It is important to seek treatment if you feel that you may be suffering from BPD.

Benefits of Treatment

Seeking treatment from a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) can help individuals who are suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. An LMFT can help you to develop coping skills, provide guidance to help manage symptoms, and create a safe and supportive environment for healing.

What to Expect

When seeking treatment for BPD with an LMFT, you can expect to work on emotional regulation, social skills, and relationship issues. You will also be able to learn healthy ways of managing your emotions and behaviors. The LMFT will work to identify your unique needs and create a treatment plan tailored to those needs.

Patrick M. DeCarlo specializes in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, spending much of his career working directly with that population.

Helping Individuals and Families with Substance Use Disorders

Professional Guidance & Support

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFT) provide professional guidance and support to individuals and families who are struggling with Substance Use Disorders. LMFT’s are skilled in helping those affected by these disorders understand their difficulties, create meaningful change, and move forward in a more positive direction. Through compassionate and non-judgmental support, LMFT’s can provide useful strategies for managing issues related to Substance Use Disorders.

Comprehensive Treatment Plans

LMFT's have the knowledge and expertise to design comprehensive treatment plans for individuals and families. These treatment plans are tailored to each individual's specific needs and goals, incorporating effective evidence-based therapies to help manage the psychological, emotional, and behavioral aspects of Substance Use Disorders. LMFT's also work closely with other medical professionals to ensure that individuals receive the best possible care in order to achieve lasting results.

Family-Focused Care

LMFT's understand the impact that Substance Use Disorders can have on the entire family, not just the individual. They are dedicated to providing family-focused care that takes into account the needs of everyone involved. LMFT's provide support for family members, help to create a safe and positive environment, and provide guidance on how to communicate effectively with those affected by Substance Use Disorders.

Patrick M. DeCarlo worked with addicts and alcoholics at several in-patient substance abuse facilities. This defined his early clinical work and even saw him serve as a clinical director in charge of all therapeutic services at a local rehab facility.