Relaxation in Seconds: What is a Tibetan Singing Bowl?

My clients sometimes come to me and state that they’ve tried the usual interventions for stress reduction. They’ve Post-It Noted their positive affirmations dutifully throughout their homes and sat zazen waiting for those alpha and theta brain waves.

Let’s face it — even I sometimes wrestle with believing my own positive affirmations when I’m in a crabby mood and meditation is hard, confusing, and worthy of a lifetime of practice.

While regular meditation practice has some positive benefits even in the short-term, it’s best suited for the long game, specifically through a spiritual lens. And honestly, how many of us have the time to seek out enlightenment while “spend[ing] 12 years in a cave” like Tenzin Palmo, a European woman operating a Buddhist nunnery. Pretty hardcore!

If you’re looking for something short-term, immediate, and deeply soothing (while complementing long-term practice) you might look to Tibetan Singing Bowls.

What are they and how do you use them? Cathy Wong explains in the verywellmind article:

Tibetan singing bowls are a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties. 

Buddhist monks have long used Tibetan singing bowls in meditation practice. In addition, some wellness practitioners (including music therapists, massage therapists, and yoga therapists) use Tibetan singing bowls during treatment.

To create sound with a singing bowl, firmly press the accompanying mallet in a circular motion against the bowl's outside edge or rim. When you hear a bright, clear tone, you can slow down the motion. Use your full arm to make the motion, rather than just rotating your wrist.

You can also make the same circular motion against the outside belly of the bowl. Additionally, you can gently strike the bowl before beginning the circular motion.

What’s the research say about the results? Almost instantaneous! Participants in an observational study on the effects of singing bowl sound meditation reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood. According to the study:

Poor mood and elevated anxiety are linked to increased incidence of disease. This study examined the effects of sound meditation, specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Sixty-two women and men (mean age 49.7 years) participated. As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood (all Ps <.001). Additionally, participants who were previously naïve to this type of meditation experienced a significantly greater reduction in tension compared with participants experienced in this meditation (P < .001). Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P < .001). Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be a feasible low-cost low technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, and increasing spiritual well-being. This meditation type may be especially useful in decreasing tension in individuals who have not previously practiced this form of meditation.

Interested in hearing what they sound like? Check out the link and enjoy!